Basic auto insurance is what is required by the state, in this case, Virginia. It is liability coverage that protects other drivers in the event you cause an accident. It is important coverage and it protects your assets, but it does not protect your vehicle. The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA, believes it is our job to make sure that all of our customers have exactly the amount of insurance that is best suited to their needs.
If you are leasing your vehicle or you have a car loan, you will be required to have more than basic insurance. You need to protect the vehicle since others have a vested interest in your vehicle. Collision and comprehensive coverage will be required. . Collision protects your vehicle after an accident where you are at fault, are the only car in an accident, or are a victim of a hit and run. Comprehensive is coverage for all the things that can happen that aren’t your fault, just bad luck like weather damage, theft, and vandalism.
If you are like most people, you count on your vehicle for everyday activities. You need to drive to work, shop, and pick up the kids. A day doesn’t go by when you don’t use your car. For you, having coverage that will fix your car if it is damaged is vital to your life. The reality is, basic insurance is right for a small number of people, not everyone.
Having basic auto insurance is okay if you have an old car of little value and not much in the way of assets. But if you own a home and have savings, basic liability just won’t cut it.
Contact The Pivotal Insurance Agency LLC in Louisa, VA to discuss what you need when it comes to auto insurance.